Criminal Defense Case Study
Florida Criminal Defense Attorney
I take great pride in my professional achievements and the results I have gained for my clients. Not only have I fought against the biggest insurance companies in the United States, but against some of the biggest corporations and companies as well. Most importantly, the passion that inspired me to become an attorney in the first place has only grown over the years. I continue to be known as the “true believer.” I treat each case as if it were my own. I know what it’s like to feel helpless in the often-complicated legal world, and I have seen firsthand the importance of expert, experienced legal representation. I have personally tried over 100 jury trials to verdict as lead counsel and I have assisted in dozens and dozens of jury trials as co-counsel assisting other attorneys. I have reached favorable outcomes for thousands of my clients, and I would be honored to represent you.
Client charged with Disorderly Conduct: Case dismissed by State Attorney’s office on day of trial. State Attorney wanted client to accept a plea to the charge, but Andrea Povilaitis told the State Attorney’s Office to either dismiss the charge or she would take the case to trial. The case was set for trial, but right before jury selection the State Attorney dismissed the case.
Client was charged with DUI, Reckless Driving, Resisting an Officer Without Violence, Failing to Signal, and Following too Closely: Andrea Povilaitis was able to get a plea deal from the State Attorney’s office where the State agreed to dismiss the DUI, Failing to Signal, and Following too Closely charges in exchange for the client pleading to Reckless Driving and Resisting Without Violence with 1 year probation, early termination at 6 months upon completion of 50 hours of community service (buy out option at $5.00 per hour).
Client charged with Sexual Assault, Lewd and Lascivious Battery, and False Imprisonment: Client was facing life in prison without the possibility of parole. Andrea Povilaitis took all three charges to trial and after a 3 days trial the jury found her client Not Guilty on all 3 charges.
Client charged with DUI and Resisting Without Violence: Client had been drinking at a bar and as he was leaving he backed into a police car. The police also found 2 near empty bottles of alcohol in client’s car. Andrea Povilaitis was able to suppress the breath test results. After taking the case to trial, the jury returned a Not Guilty Verdict on both charges.
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Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon & Improper Exhibition of a Firearm: Client was charged with 2 counts of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon and 1 count of Improper Exhibition of a Firearm. Client was initially arrested and in jail with no bond because he was on probation when he was arrested on these new charges. Andrea Povilaitis was able to get him a reasonable bond. The case was then worked up to bring it to trial. Andrea Povilaitis was asserting a “stand your ground” defense. Just before trial the State Attorney’s Office dismissed all 3 charges.
DUI: Client was arrested and charged with DUI. Client was sleeping in the parking lot outside of a bar. The car was running and the keys were in the ignition. After Andrea Povilaitis tried the case in front of a jury, the jury found him not guilty.
DUI & Resisting an Officer Without Violence: Client was charged with DUI and Resisting an Officer Without Violence. Andrea Povilaitis took the case to trial. Client was drinking and was driving his jet ski on the water. He ran over his brother who was swimming in the water, however, he didn’t realize it and went about jet skiing. When the police arrived, via boat, they had to direct client to go back to shore. While going back to shore, client hit the dock before he was finally able to dismount from his jet ski. Law Enforcement said he failed the Field Sobriety Exercises and resisted them when they tried to arrest him. They also testified that while in the back of the police vehicle he kept banging his head on the cage separating the front of the police vehicle from the back. Andrea Povilaitis took the case to trial. The Court entered a Judgment of Acquittal for the Resisting Without Violence charge and the jury entered a not guilty verdict on the DUI charge.
Stalking and Violation of Injunction for Domestic Violence: Client was arrested and charged with Stalking and Violation of Injunction for Domestic Violence. Client was accused of stalking her ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend who obtained an injunction against client. Andrea Povilaitis took the case to trial. Ex-boyfriend and current girlfriend testified that client had followed them on multiple occasions, repeatedly called both of them and showed up at their house. The jury returned a guilty verdict as to both the Stalking charge and the Violation of Injunction charge.
Battery (Domestic Violence), Criminal Mischief, & Violation of a Condition of Pre-Trial Release: Client was arrested and charged with 4 separate counts of Battery (Domestic Violence), 2 counts of Criminal Mischief, and 1 count of Violation of a Condition of Pre-Trial Release. Client’s girlfriend accused of him of a battery on 4 different occasions, smashing the windshield on her car, destroying some personal items of hers, and contacting her when a condition of his release for one of his prior Battery charges ordered him to have no contact with her. Andrea Povilaitis consolidated all 6 counts and took the case to trial. While the State was able to prove that client did contact his girlfriend in violation of the pre-trial release condition, Andrea Povilaitis, was able to show that it was not an intentional violation. For the Battery and Criminal Mischief charges, Andrea Povilaitis was able to impeach the alleged “victim” and discredit her. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty on all 7 charges.